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Our worship is centered on God’s presence and power in His Word and Sacrament. We receive God’s forgiveness and grace and respond in worship and praise.

Worship Times

Memorial Day – Labor Day

  • 8:30 AM Worship features traditional Lutheran liturgical format and classic Christian hymns accompanied by the organ.
  • 10:00 AM Worship features upbeat, contemporary music accompanied by the Praise Team.


  • 8:30 AM Worship features traditional Lutheran liturgical format and classic Christian hymns accompanied by the organ.
  • 9:45-10:45 AM Education Hour feature opportunities for people of all ages to grow as disciples of Jesus.  Within age-specific groupings, participants experience our caring community as they learn to trust God’s word.
  • 11:00 AM Worship features upbeat, contemporary music accompanied by the Praise Team.

Children are very welcome in worship. For children ages four and under, the nursery is always available during Worship and the Education Hour. Church bags, filled with activities, are also available outside the nursery for older children. A private room is available for nursing moms as well.


Please enter the parking lot via the driveway east of the church building and exit via the west driveway. Handicap parking and senior parking are located near all entrances.

To enter the sanctuary use entrances A & B on the east and west sides of the building toward the rear parking lot.

During holiday services, if the parking lot is full, feel free to park at the township offices to the west of Holy Cross. A connecting driveway is located at the northwest corner of the parking lot.

Worship at Holy Cross

God teaches us through His Word that He comes to us in worship as we listen to the Scriptures and receive the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

We want you to experience God to the fullest as you worship today!

Getting Ready for Worship

In worship, you can expect that the Holy Spirit will make you aware of your needs, failings, and even guilt. Don’t fight this but welcome it. This is how God the Father gets each of us ready to welcome and crave His life-changing forgiveness and mercy won through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, our Savior Jesus. The God of the Bible wants to give this forgiveness and peace to you today as you worship.

The Service

All Sunday services offer the opportunity to receive Holy Communion. Contemporary services feature music from the praise team. Lyrics are projected on screens at either side of the altar if you would like to sing along.The traditional service features music from the Lutheran Service Book and accompanied by our organist. Music and lyrics are projected on screen. Services run for approximately 60 minutes.

In the Narthex

The narthex is located at the back of the sanctuary. Coffee and tea service is located next to the welcome desk. Tables are also available for ministry and event sign-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions

What the Bible Says About Holy Communion

We believe the Bible’s teaching that in this meal, through the power of God’s Word, followers of Jesus receive His very Body and Blood — which is really present in and with the bread and wine (1 Corinthians 11:24-25). This is not simply an act of remembering Jesus, but receiving Jesus and the gifts of forgiveness and strength of faith He offers (Matthew 26:26-28).

God’s word tells us that each person participating Holy Communion is to be baptized and instructed in the meaning of this marvelous meal (Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:28-29)

Are You Prepared For Holy Communion?

If you are a baptized follower of Jesus Christ and can answer “Yes” to the following questions, we welcome you to participate.

These questions are valuable each time you prepare to commune:

*Am I sorry for my sins? (1 John 1:8-9)

*Do I believe Jesus’ body and blood are really present in this bread and wine to assure me of my forgiveness? (1 Corinthians 10:16)

*Am I willing to change my sinful ways? (Romans 6:12)

Come For a Blessing

Please come forward to receive a blessing, even if you are not yet baptized or if you hold a different belief regarding Holy Communion. By crossing your arms at the communion rail, the servers will know you have come for a blessing.

How To Get Ready to Commune at Holy Cross for the First Time

If you have not yet received the blessing of baptism (available for all ages) or have not yet been instructed on the benefits of Holy Communion (available as young as 5th grade), we would love to hear from you!

Talk with a pastor after worship or vial email to learn more about the opportunities to get ready for Baptism or you first Holy Communion at Holy Cross.

God delivers life and salvation in baptism, and we want you and yours to have this gift of faith and assurance of salvation now and forever. We believe the Bible’s teaching that in baptism through the power of God’s Word, each person receives forgiveness of sins, saving faith, and rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39, Titus 3:4-8; Matthew 28:18-20).

Whether you want these blessing for your infant, child or for yourself, we are eager to help you and yours get ready for baptism!

The church office is open Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm, with a break for lunch from 12:30 – 1:00pm. Please enter through door D on the east side of the church.

Please note: You must enter through a security door. The instructions are posted on the door.

Winter Weather Announcements

Cancellations due to inclement weather, will be posted on the Holy Cross Lutheran Church website, holycrossjenison.org , our Holy Cross Jenison Facebook page and HC Community Facebook group, and your local TV station. 

  • Please note, for Sunday morning worship services – Cancellations will be posted by 7:30am. 
  • For any other event cancellations, you will be notified by the ministry leader. Please note, our decision to cancel is not linked to Jenison Public Schools. 

Per current health department guidelines, we ask that you please sanitize your hands when entering the church. Masks are optional, but encouraged, and please stay home if you are at all unwell. COVID protocols will be updated as new information is received from the Ottawa County Health Department. Thank you for helping to care for our community.