Walking into the full life of Jesus
Current Sermon Series | Calling
A Counter-Cultural Calling
The world was perfect. And then it was not. We live in a broken, sin-plagued world that has the self at the center...which is why, the Way of Jesus feels so upside-down, so counter-cultural...so weird. When we live out the calling of Jesus it is quite possible and even probable that people with think we're weird. But what if faithfulness to one's calling is simply embracing the weird? And what if the weird is what brings us life?
Worship Times
Worship times are 8:30am for the traditional service with communion and 11:00am for the contemporary service with communion. Education hour happens every Sunday at 9:45am and offer Adult Bible Study, High School Bible Study, Middle School Confirmation, and Family Sunday School for parents with children through grade 5. See you there!
What's On at Holy Cross