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Current Sermon Series | Kingdom Dynamics


We are living in a culture of speed and efficiency. In fact, it might be an unspoken value of the western world. How many times have you thought or said, “this is sooooo slow.”? But, a mustard seed doesn’t move from seed to tree overnight. In the same way, natural yeast moves slowly and inefficiently. A dynamic of Christ’s Kingdom is…slow. Much happens in slowness - both in ourselves and the relationships we engage in. As we live in Christ’s kingdom, we need to learn to embrace…slow.
Worship Times
Worship times are 8:30am for the traditional service with communion and 11:00am for the contemporary service with communion. Education hour happens every Sunday at 9:45am and offer Adult Bible Study, High School Bible Study, Middle School Confirmation, and Family Sunday School for parents with children through grade 5. See you there!

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Watch or Listen On Demand Every week, we seek to teach, inspire, and uplift you through our sermon message. Our Pastors are passionate about studying the Bible and inspiring others to live in the way of Christ. While we worship God as a community, we learn how to apply biblical truths to our every-day lives through the weekly message. If you’re looking for some support in understanding scripture or need encouragement in your walk with Jesus, check out our YouTube channel and Podbean podcasts. Our pastors have shared messages of hope and healing in times of grief, messages of support for those fighting battles, and messages of purpose for all of us aspiring to live like Jesus.

Sermon | Podcast

Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?

--John 6:9