Walking into the full life of Jesus
Current Sermon Series | Counting the Cost
Counting the Cost Pt. 3
When one looks at the global church it becomes exponentially apparent that the American Church (and those in it) are incredibly wealthy. The hard question is 'what will we do with all that wealth'. When we count all things as loss for the sake of Christ, and when we trust that He will provide what's needed when it's needed, then, in peace, we can use that wealth for the sake of our neighbors. in peace and trust, that wealth becomes an incredible tool for compassion, care, ministry and mission. There is a cost to a whole-hearted following of Jesus and His way. But, for the sake of the world, it's absolutely worth it.
Worship Times
Worship times are 8:30am for the traditional service with communion and 11:00am for the contemporary service with communion. Education hour happens every Sunday at 9:45am and offer Adult Bible Study, High School Bible Study, Middle School Confirmation, and Family Sunday School for parents with children through grade 5. See you there!