Series Theme | Walking Through Suffering | March 9 - April 13

Suffering is a human constant. Every major word religion addresses suffering: Buddhists seek to be released from it through meditation, Hindus place suffering within the context of karma, and Christians recognize suffering as a result of sin. Suffering is a human constant…one can’t avoid it…only walk through it. Unlike all other major world religions, Christianity asserts the solution for suffering is a Suffering Servant – one who will suffer on behalf of humanity. In the season of Lent, as we journey with Jesus to the cross, we’ll explore what it means to walk through suffering.

Lenten Devotions

In Jesus Christ, God Himself enters our human condition. In Servant of the Lord, we see Jesus as God’s Son and our Redeemer. He has made the Heavenly Father known to us. Proclaiming the kingdom of God, Jesus served us—lovingly, patiently, compassionately—as He died for our sins and rose three days later in Easter victory.