Rediscovering the Gift of Work

Our new mini series is Creative Service.  It relates to one of God’s gifts to you—the gift of work.  This may not be the way you think about your job.  You may think of your work as tedious or even “bad” but it is in fact God’s “divine project of

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JOY of the Dance

Have you heard of the simple acronym J-O-Y?  It helps us remember that life fits together best, when we do life focused on Jesus first, Others next and then You (self) last.  You see, Living Pointed Out spreads JOY– a contagious JOY.  Isn’t it wonderful that in God’s design the

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Mission Update from Nora Leon

This week we’ll be honoring the sacrifice and service of both our missionary in Haiti, Nora Léon and our veterans.  These are people through whom God has worked to “Be strong and courageous…[to] be not afraid, and [to] be not dismayed” because the Lord, their God was with them wherever

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What is Your Family For?

Family…It’s a word that makes some people smile and others frown.  It can be a source of great blessing and also a place of heartache.  Ever wondered what the purpose is for this basic structure in every person’s life? It’s actually much bigger than you might realize at first glance.

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Living Pointed Out

Think of someone special to you.  Why is this person one of your favorite people?  How does he/she treat you and others?  My hunch is that your favorite people and mine are the special people around us who are “Living Pointed Out.” Read Psalm 145:1-9, Philippians 2:1-5, and John 13:34-35.

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God Has a Plan For Your Light

Does it ever feel like your life lacks meaning or that your efforts seem pointless? Sometimes, it can be hard to see how our individual efforts and choices can have a significant impact.  However, God has a unique and significant role for each of us to play…for the life of

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If Everything is a Gift…

How would life be different if you looked at everything you have as a gift? What if everything was a gift from God? We know that not everything is good, but what if God intends every relationship, every institution, every task, every thing…to be a gift. All these things are

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Harmony – Differences Working Together

I have good news for you, God has a plan for “harmony” in the world. Life makes more sense when we can hear this God-given harmony—differences working together—for the life of the world. Read Genesis 1:26-28, 31, Romans 13:1-7, and John 19:10-11a.  

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Exile…not new…just new to us

Last week, we were introduced to a metaphor for making sense of life as a follower of Jesus in the 21st century: we’re exiles, even though we’re still in our home land.  While this is a newer reality for us, caring for people in exile is not new to God. 

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